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Settings that apply to all drills

Grading rules:

Custom text

Shuffle lines.
Repeat times.
Custom Finger Drills
Repeat strokes times.
(e.g. "EFPLT/EFPLS/EFPLTS EBGD/EBGZ/EBGDZ": strokes separated by slashes, sets separated by spaces)
Most used words (once, in random order)
Drill words starting at rank (randomly choosing each time)
Randomly Chosen Sentences

NEW: top "0" words gives a set of nearly 200k sentences with unrestricted vocabulary.

Drill sentences containing only the top most used words
Drill Length: words (plus the rest of the last sentence.)
Randomly Generated Sentences
Drill Length: words (plus the rest of the last sentence.)
NEW AI Generated Challenging Sentences

Using tracked word durations a built in AI generates sentences that will challenge you. Giving you words that you struggle with

Drill Length: words (plus the rest of the last sentence.)
Difficulty: % (how likely it will give you words you struggle with)
Quotes from Monkeytype.
Drill length:
Phonetic words that use exactly one starting consonant key, exactly one vowel key and exactly one ending consonant.
Drill Time: minutes.
Numbers 1-99 in simple sentences
Drill Time: minutes.
Under Repair
Da Dreaded Dueling Digit Duo Finger Drills
Alternate times.
Under Repair
Other drills.

Note on Finger Drills. Delete (plover v3) or disable (plover v4) all dictionaries but commands.json (in plover v3, delete all dictionaries and save to get the default config back). In plover v4, check out the plover-dict-control plugin which allows you to define strokes to switch dictionaries.

Advanced Grading Rules that apply to all drills